chair shop open house; august 5th
I’m hosting an open house on Saturday, August 5th, from 9 am - 2 pm. Please stop by, take a rock in one of the chairs, and converse about furniture making. The shop has seen a substantial transformation since I started working under the single light and in the open framing. I’ll be demonstrating throughout the day - working on a chair in the morning, then weaving a hickory bark seat in early afternoon.
Shop address: 416 Manktown Road, Waldobor, ME 04572
Everyone is welcome - neighbors, customers, and woodworkes alike. My shop is about two miles from the Lie Nielsen shop (though they’re closed on Saturdays). I’m located a little north of Waldoboro Village, just off coastal Route One. There will be drinks and snacks at the shop, and there are more robust and delicious options all around.
For anyone traveling into the area, there are craft opportunities throughout the midcoast. The Good Supply, a barn converted into gallery space in Pemequid, showcases a collection from local artists and craftspeople. Eric McIntyre of Village Handcraft in Wisscasset (“the prettiest village in Maine”) makes hearty brooms and crisply carved green wood pieces - bowls, spoons, & spreaders - all from his beautiful gallery/shop. And I have two suggestions for anyone who enjoys woodworking hand tools. I’m located 30 minutes from Liberty Tools, and the treasure hunt for used tools that makes it so special. There’s an opposite experience a little south of Waldoboro at the Shelter Institute in Woolwich. Shelter carries a large assortment of new tools - high quality furniture, green woodworking, and timber framing tools - along with natural finishing supplies and a full assortment of Lost Art Press books.
I hope you can make it. Send along a message if you have any questions about the day or about the midcoast. Hope to see you August 5th!